In Search
of the
Wise Woman
a feature documentary
in the style of magic realism
from burning heart productions
New Release
Praying the Hours tells the journey of the Traveling Man from this life into the next as he visits friends with whom he has surprising, unresolved business. As he crosses over, he realizes that eternity is not something that happens after you die but flows like a river under the surface of ordinary life.
The Praying the Hours movie is an epic narrative feature that portrays the hours of prayer as if they were characters in the story of a man's life. It is a unique way to reflect on the ancient practice observed by all the Abrahamic traditions—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Watch the film, hear the soundtrack, learn more about praying the hours, or contact us about screening opportunities.

Burning Heart Productions makes films that people want to talk about. Independent filmmaking often explores territory that inspires even when it’s not easy. Whether short or feature, documentary or narrative, our films are most successful when they challenge both filmmaker and audience.
BHP’s first films have had screenings in and awards from dozens of film festivals. Robust Q&A sessions and subsequent conferences, classes, and private screenings have revealed that thinking and talking with audiences is a vital part of our filmmaking cycle.