
For a five-year period as founder and Chief Storyteller for FULLER studio, Burning Heart Productions' principal filmmaker, Lauralee Farrer, had a direct hand in the conception and production of more than 3000 original series episodes, videos, long-form reads, podcasts, and strategic events. Here we’ve curated a handful of filmed series from that season that Farrer conceived, wrote, produced, and directed as well as oversaw the marketing and distribution for.

Prayer of Examen

The 17-minute Prayer of Examen meditative reflection—available in four languages online and in a dedicated app—portrays the spiritual practice of acknowledging the sacred in ordinary life.

Liturgical Meditations

Seven original short films, in four primary languages, portray the seasons of the liturgical calendar.

The Story Table

The Story Table turned the “panel lecture” on its ear through a series of dinner gatherings focused on themes that guests addressed through story while audiences ate and listened. The evenings were captured in a unique combination of video, photography, and long-form interviews.

In the Room With

In a unique spin on guest lectureships, In the Room With gave students, audiences, and aficionados in-person access to a remarkable slate of leaders in film, religion, technology, and more.

Film Screening Talk-Backs

The well established post-screening discussion found a longer life and wider audiences beyond the event through smartly opportunistic production

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