The Fair Trade - Resources
The feature documentary The Fair Trade tells the story of Tamara Johnston who, devastated by the tragic death of her fiance, makes a bargain with God in exchange for a meaningful life. She and her twin sister Shelby join forces with brother-in-law Steven to start one of the first fair trade skincare companies—Anti-Body. Even as Tamara becomes a successful activist for human rights and social justice causes, despair over her loss remains unabated. As she nears the deadline of her bargain, a trip to Africa allows her to visit the fair trade co-op from which Anti-Body buys its organic shea butter. There, she finds a surprising answer to what is required of her in exchange for a sustainable life.
John Priddy, Priddy Brothers Entertainment
“What a beautiful work of art! Cinematically gorgeous with a compelling storyline. What I love most about The Fair Trade is the theme of how in suffering we can be guided to a place of healing, calling, and fulfillment. I like the broad appeal of fair trade with Anti-Body's particular endeavor—how selling soap can change the lives of a few women and beyond. I, too, believe that commerce has a unique ability to solve tremendous social ills. It is not about capitalism run amok, but about good, healthy, and intelligent commerce. Thank you for the brave effort to make this film and especially to Tamara for opening up her life to the world. Just amazing…”
Keri Tombazian, radio personality
“Tamara's journey explores archetypes of the deep human experience of loss, desperation, and hopelessness. Haunting imagery, exquisite filmmaking.”
Jack Hafer, award-winning film producer
“Music, editing, story, f/x, message—subtle, with just the right mixture of both the internal and external lives in tension. Just excellent.”
John Newcombe, award-winning film director
“...a triumph. One of the most powerful examples of what real faith means in the real world. Blow away great.”
Ron Cowan, Statesman Journal
“...has heart and compassion.”
Ryan Bolger, author, speaker
“OMG. Powerful film. I felt like my heart got handed to you guys for awhile to do some work on. What a gift.”
Frances Schifrin, designer
“...took my breath away. FANTASTIC. Truly a work of art. It touched every human emotion dealing with death—painful. But so inspiring.”
Jamie Chvotkin, President, FilmBaby
“Powerful. An inspiration to all who watch it.”
Loretta Miles, Salem Film Festival
“The filmmaking, the story, the spiritual aspects, the message—I loved the whole package. I'm very very moved.”
Dr. Christine Gunn-Danforth, communication consultant, author
“…interweaves drama and documentary and using the symbolism of ‘revolution’ throughout to imply an subversive overthrow of the dominant ideology to an alternative consciousness — this truly is what a prophetic imagination purpose for stories must be.”
Below you may stream the songs featured in the film. Special thanks to the artists for making this available.
Featured Artists
Hellen Akoth and Afrizo
Matthew Winfield Diederich
Rachel Diggs
Kelley McRae
Loren A. Roberts
Barry Taylor
Buddy Zapata